Empowering Change: Team member and supplier training
Workwear Group’s employee and supplier training program is designed to build capability in identifying and addressing modern slavery risks in its operations and supply chain.

Team member training
All Workwear Group team members are required to complete modern slavery awareness training on an annual basis, to understand Workwear Group’s obligations under the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018.
Workwear Group provides targeted training to team members who manage its Ethical Sourcing program, and who work with high-risk supply partners.
Supplier training
Workwear Group provides annual compliance training to its core and strategic footwear, apparel, and accessories suppliers. The training aims to empower suppliers with knowledge and tools to help provide a safe, clean, and respected work environment for employees.
As at end of FY24, Workwear Group’s training program has now been delivered to international suppliers in China, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka, which employ approximately 27,880 workers combined.
Workwear Group’s Australian supply partners are accredited to Ethical Clothing Australia (ECA), which assists local suppliers to understand their modern slavery obligations.

Taking steps towards increasing onshore manufacturing
At Workwear Group, we're thrilled to partner with offshore suppliers who are looking to expand their manufacturing efforts in Australia.
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Workwear Group announces three-year partnership with The Big Issue
Workwear Group selected The Big Issue to become our partner for an initial three year period.
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