Workwear Group provides a second life for unused workwear
As part of its waste diversion activities, Workwear Group seeks opportunities to donate excess or obsolete workwear items to not-for-profit organisations and/or individuals in need. This ensures an extended or second life for unused clothing and reduces Workwear Group’s potential emissions impacts.

In FY24, Workwear Group New Zealand donated 5,100 kilograms of unused workwear items to the New Zealand Department of Corrections. These items were then available for permanently or temporarily released prisoners, including those undertaking employment opportunities through the Department of Corrections’ work release program, which aims to reduce the likelihood of reoffending.
In Australia, Workwear Group donated 14 pallets of new workwear items to The Salvation Army to be sold in their stores. Profits from instore purchases are used to help fund The Salvation Army programs to end hunger and homelessness, and to build stronger families and communities.

Celebrating Indigenous Artistry
Workwear Group celebrates its collaboration with Indigenous Australian artists and the Fred Hollows Foundation.
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Workwear Group announces three-year partnership with The Big Issue
Workwear Group selected The Big Issue to become our partner for an initial three year period.
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